Gertrudis Rivero

Rivero Gertrudis

Born and raised in Cuba, I developed a relationship with the nature.  I used to fish, snorkel, and explore caves meanwhile contemplating the natural beauty before me. Beside working as a professor, I began as a self-taught artist and participated in some Art events.

In 1995 my family and I emigrated to USA. I worked for 16 years at Lutheran Services Florida in Tampa helping refugees to get a new life and get freedom in this great country.

After all these years something was missing in my life. I think that never is too late to start doing what you love to do, so once retired I decided to start painting again.

My artwork is contemporary abstract. Colors are generally a deflection of the reality which I enjoy painting.  In my artwork I use acrylic paints over canvas or wood and other mediums to dissolve paints and achieve forms. I also use resin and/or varnish to protect my artworks. I employ the pouring technique. This technique allows me to be free in my work, using a combination of colors and creating forms to convey my experiences, feelings, emotions, concerns, and fantasies to the people.